by Carrie Classon
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The humor and compassion you express in your columns speaks perfectly to the true meaning of "community." There's a widespread misconception that nobody reads newspapers anymore, but I know it's not true. People will always seek out great writing on topics that touch their lives, and I think The Postscript does that.
—Tim Spitzack / Editor - St. Paul Voice
To borrow from a familiar adage, Carrie Classon is a breath of fresh air. Her journalism is down to earth and the experiences about which she writes leaves the reader with a comforting sense of empathy. If The Postscript were a cake, Carrie’s obvious passion for life would be the frosting.
— Rick Norton / Editor - Cleveland Daily Banner
Through Carrie’s eyes, even a plain ordinary day can be full of surprises.
—Robert Corf / Editor – The Hale Horizons
Carrie has the ability to touch people at different levels—humor most often but also on a very human and personal level. I often chuckle as I follow along, sometimes laugh out loud, and every now and then shed a tear. I hear the same from our readers. To be able to pull those kinds of emotions out of your audience takes talent—and Carrie has plenty.
—Tim Timmons | CEO - Sagamore News Media